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Due to this pandemic a lot of students have had to learn to adapt to online learning. While some may prefer this way of learning over in person learning, there are others who are used to seeing their classmates and professors in a classroom setting. This year has been very difficult all around and trying to format learning into an online method hasn't made it any better. I think the next "new media" should focus solely on education and making online learning more interactive.  For example, my sister is 5 years old. She never really went out much before the pandemic due to everyone having busy schedules, but school was a chance for her to go outside and interact with other kids her age. It gave her something else to do other than play on her tablet all day, but now with school being online she doesn't get the same interaction. I worry that this may have an effect on her wanting to go outside and talk to others in the future. In order to change that I think that there s...
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Wiki So Far

So far I am doing more research on Tik Tok since it has become a popular social media that fosters creativity and interaction. On Wiki there were two different sections for Tik Tok, but one mainly focused on (A stepping stone to creating Tik Tik) and Tik Tok itself, so I edited the Wiki so that there were two different sections. From there I plan on including more information on Tik Tok and how it recently faced being banned during quarantine. It effected a lot of people and there were even petitions being held in order to save the app. That alone shows the influence that new media has on people and how important it is. Especially in times when we couldn't see one another and couldn't go outside, new media like Tik Tok allows us to still interact with others and do something enjoyable to pass the time. I want to update the information on Wiki to also include how Tik Tok changed so many lives, the Tik Tok creators fund that now allows people to get paid for their crea...


File sharing allows users to access documents and data no matter what computer they are using (P2P File Sharing, 2016). In other words they could be far away from home and still be able to access the same document they would have been able to access at home. The technology they use plays no part in them being able to see the data they need, which means that it's saved on more than just a hard drive.  On the other hand, P2P (peer to peer) file sharing "allows individuals to access media files using a software program that searches and locates computers that have the file that is wanted. [It also] allows users to share files online through a network of software program" (P2P File Sharing, 2016). Instead of waiting for a movie to come out in theaters or to come on legal streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, people are able to access the movies they want for free on P2P file sharing sites. P2P sites like ", a Web site based in Germany...tracks which ...


New media has caused a lot of issues with privacy and confidentiality. Even when you think something is private, it isn't. When you post things on new media such as social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, etc.), blogs, wikis, etc. you're posting it with the possibility that those you are sharing it to can share it with others and with the possibility that it will portray you in a certain light. By the information being passed around digitally it's nearly impossible to ever rid yourself of something once it's out there. If, for example, there were one physical copy that you had and some of your close friends showed it around it would be easier to dispose of the picture. All you would have to do is destroy the only copy of it. While you can't erase it from the memories of those who have already seen the picture, you no longer have to worry about anyone else seeing it.  With a digital photo on social media, even if you limit your privacy settings to only friends, t...


New media can improve many of the old media forms that are currently at Baruch College. For example, Blackboard is a CUNY site that is supposed to allow students to be able to see their grades and keep up to date with all the information they will need to successfully complete a course. However, there are still some professors that don't use blackboard to its fullest extent. Possibly because they don't feel the need to when they prefer things to be done in person. With the current conditions that COVID has forced us to adapt to, this is the perfect time for Baruch to put in a new policy and possibly teach professors how to properly use Blackboard. Maybe even simplify Blackboard to better encourage the use of it as a mainstream of communication between professor and student.  There are classes that allow you to use your computer to take notes while others strictly forbid it. I think that Baruch should set a policy in place that will allow all students to choose their method of n...

Creativity and New Media

I have always been drawn to photography, music, lyrics, poetry, fiction writing, etc. All these things have helped me to express myself in ways that I never would have imagined possible. Especially in times where things weren't always the best, I turned to creative ways to say what I wanted to say without actually saying a word to anyone in specific. I know it's not healthy to keep emotions bottled up inside so some new media forms have given me a way to actually say things and feel like someone might be listening even if no one actually is. I haven't been really active on my social media platforms lately due to work and school, but for this assignment I chose to post one of my photos captioned with some of the lyrics that I wrote on Instagram. The picture below is of myself taking a picture while I look outside into the rain. I really enjoy this picture and I'm extremely proud of it because it looks surrealistic and really captured how I was feeling in the moment. I ca...


Creativity comes in all different forms. You could write lyrics, make music, write novels, etc. New media gives people the chance to share that creativity with others across the globe. It also challenges them to think of things that have never been done before in order to get a proper following.  Take for example, Youtubers. They blog their everyday lives and post it for others to enjoy. Through the likes and comments they receive on their videos, Youtubers are able to measure how well that video did. They use the feedback that they get from their audience to see what kind of videos they should post next. If their video did really well they might continue to post videos similar to that, but if it did poorly, they might rethink their approach in new creative ways in order to keep their audience entertained. In a world where everyone is doing the same thing (working, going to school, etc.) Youtubers want to stand out. There are lots of people who want to make their lives on yout...